Angel Wings

Angel Wings 

    • Angel Wings began in 2011 as an independent Christian group of women within University United Methodist Church with a desire for fellowship and for serving God through outreach and mission work. Our goal is to be the hands of Christ on earth, serving others in our church and the surrounding communities. 

Ongoing Projects: 

    • Helping fund multiple non-profits through Texoma Gives 
    • Providing holiday baskets for needy families 
    • Providing sleeping bags, clothing, food, and hygiene products for homeless Veterans 
    • Sponsoring a unit at North Texas State Hospital 
    • Assisting disaster areas 
    • Providing stuffed animals for McGruff 
    • Supporting the Wesley Foundation and MSU Students with meals 
    • Providing support to Southern Hills Elementary through Partners in Education 
    • Working at the Pumpkin Patch and Pumpkin Festival 
    • Occasional Work Days at UUMC.
If you would like more information about Angel Wings, please contact the church office.